Trading of financial instruments involves substantial risk, including complete possible loss of principal plus other losses and is not suitable for all members of the public. This blog discusses my experiences and my style of trading. This blog is for entertainment and educational purposes only. The trades discussed here are MY trades. You make your own trades and you and only you are responsible for your trades. Ideas and opinions discussed on this blog are not in any way recommendations to buy or sell securities or investment advise.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

The Basic 1 : What Is Forex ?

I'm not a Forex Mentor, but here is a brief definition for you about forex. Let’s said, you are American and went to United kingdom. In the U.K airport, you might find a currency exchange booth at the airport, also you might seeing a screen displaying different exchange rates for different currencies. And then you exchange the money ( $USD) you have into pound sterling (£ GBP). You do that and basicly you’re participated in the forex market! In other words, due to forex terms, assuming you’re an American visiting U.K, you’ve sold dollars and bought Pound Sterling.

Forex, or FX a.k.a foreign exchange market is the largest financial market in the world. Compared to the measly $22.4 billion a day volume of the New York Stock Exchange, the foreign exchange market looks extremely large with its $5 TRILLION a day trade volume. The largest stock market in the world, the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), trades a volume of about $22.4 billion each day. Now, forex market brought to your home. You can participated into forex market as long as you  haveinternet connection. Online forex trading became a huge industri nowadays and who knows, you can taking advantages on it.

Before you jump into the forex market, it is a good idea to do some research. Learn about forex, join international forum and forex international clubs that opening discussion about forex, surf internet, find the community.

Just remember the rules, greed when other fears and fears when other greed!

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