Trading of financial instruments involves substantial risk, including complete possible loss of principal plus other losses and is not suitable for all members of the public. This blog discusses my experiences and my style of trading. This blog is for entertainment and educational purposes only. The trades discussed here are MY trades. You make your own trades and you and only you are responsible for your trades. Ideas and opinions discussed on this blog are not in any way recommendations to buy or sell securities or investment advise.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

The Basic 2 : Trading FOREX

What is trading forex?

Why you should traded?

The quick answer is MONEY. In forex, you’re not buying anything physical. Think of buying a currency as buying a share in a particular country, its kind of buying stocks of a company. The price movement of the currency is a direct reflection of what the market thinks about the current and future health of a certain country’s economy.

A simple way to understand, say, if you buy  the Pound Sterling then you are basically buying a “share” in the U.K economy. You are asuming that the U.K economy is doing well, and will even get better in the future. Once you sell those “shares” back to the market, hopefully, you will end up with a profit. In other words, the exchange rate of a currency versus other currencies could be a reflection of the condition of that country’s economy, compared to other countries’ economies.
Forex trading is the contingously market where people buying of one currency and selling another. They  are eventually traded through a broker or dealer. Curency are traded in pairs; for example the Pound Sterling and the U.S. dollar (GBP/USD) or the Pound Sterling and the Japanese yen (GBP/JPY) etc.

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